Monday 3 May 2010

2.1 History of Mime

What Is Mime?

Mime is an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression.

When Did Mime Start?

Mime started when there was no language spoken and the only way to communicate was though miming things, it was later on then mime was used more for entertaining purposes when there was a spoken language for every one to communicate.

Ancient Greeks and Romans

The Theater of Dionysus in Athens, actors in masks performed outdoors, in daylight, before audiences of 10,000 or more at festivals in honor of Dionysus, the god of theater. The theatre was known from it true drama which must have been entertaining, often one actor would play the part of several individuals in the production.
But the Romans soon took over the existing theatres of Greece.

Commedia Dell Arte

Commedia Dell Arte (Italian pronunciation), the closest translation being "comedy of art", is a form of theatre that began in Italy in the mid-16th century
Commedia dell'arte was performed outdoors in temporary venues by professional actors who were costumed and masked, they would mime in the street with over exagerated faces to get attention from the audience that walk past.

Popular Mime Artists

Marcel Marceau: Marcel Marceau was born in Strasbourg, France, he was the best Mime performer ever until he died when he was 84 years old, but of course he is still an inspiration to alot of people.He has performed all over the world and is very famous even to this day.

And the more modan mime performer Mr Bean: Mr Bean has now taken over Marcel Marceau as Mr Beans Work has also inspired alot of performers as he has Films and programs out to entertain and make people laugh.


Queen Elizabeth 1st effected Mime as she hired mime performers as she thought they was really entertaining and she enjoyed watching them.


Social has changed mime as mime performances has brange people, friends, family, strangers together to watch the comical performance.


From the Credit crunch Mime artists and theatres have cut low on everything which has changed performances, but it could be a good thing in a way as Mime artist can perform the way they did when there was no money and techno to help.


Now days there are lots of technology to help with performances such as lighting, sound, Internet, T.V, Amps etc.

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