Thursday 14 October 2010

3.4 monitor own creative activity

Be able to monitor own creative activity

19th November: Investigating Artefact's (PowerPoint)
Today I have been searching on the Internet about what an artefact is, and what artefacts are used for, what creative and media industries use them and for what reasons.
I made notes on the research that I have found, but it was quite hard getting all the information I needed in one lesson, but I managed to do it.
At the end I finally knew what an Artefact was and what it involves.
My strong point was not giving up on finding the information I needed, and my weakness was I could have saved all what I found out by making notes or saving on a USB.
1st December: Investigating Artefacts (PowerPoint)
I got all my notes together and started on my presentation on a PowerPoint.
I started on my first slide about what a artefact is- Artefact is a man made object, and my second slide on what type of creative and media industry’s might use artefacts, which I then searched for Theatres, Galleries and museums.
My PowerPoint is simple and clear, I could improve by changing the colours of the background so a Sharpe colour to catch the audience’s eyes.
My strength in this lesson was starting the PowerPoint nearly finishing it with all the information that is necessary. But my weakness was presenting it with the colours so I will work on that next lesson, as I didn’t have much time to do it in.
3rd December: Investigating Artefacts (PowerPoint)
Today was the last lesson on the PowerPoint so I completed the whole PowerPoint. I added three more slides of information on artefacts.
I also added colour and pictures to my presentation as I said I would last lesson because that was my weak point, it now looks much better.
I think I could have improved on it by adding more information if I had more time, but it has useful clear information about different types of artefacts.
My strength in this lesson was improving my PowerPoint on the colour and pictures as it was a weakness the last lesson. My weakness was not putting a lot of information; I only put the information that was needed, which I should have added a little bit more.
10th December: Investigating Grayson Perry
Grayson Perry is an amazing artist, he works closely to clay pots, and I searched for some background information and found out that Perry took an interest in Greek pottery, which looks amazing on his pots.
I have found out lots of information on Perry, even information that is not useful, but I should have made more notes, as I kept the information that is needed in my head and not on paper.
My strength in this lesson was looking for information on Grayson Perry in Depth: family life, what he was like when he was a kid etc.
My weakness was not writing notes, which I should have done as I could have forgotten what I researched, so next time I will write notes.

15th December: Making clay tile
Making the clay tiles was fun, we experimented different textures and shapes to see what looked good and what didn’t.
We got our ideas from the play ground as we found leafs, twigs and different surfaces like smooth and ruff, we then got paper and crayons and coloured it in to see the different effects.
My strength in this lesson was finding lots and different objects for different patterns and moulding it onto the clay tiles.
My weakness was making the pattern exactly the same on the clay tile but it was good experimenting.

17th December: Making plan for clay pot
Our teacher gave us a work sheet to plan on, I decided to make my pot body round with a twisty top, but the top open so I put things inside the pot, and use my identity as a design.
Also in my plan I discussed what materials I would need and how I would organize my workspace to make the space I am working in safe. I have done the plan well as it has all the information I need for making my pot.

My strength in this lesson was thinking and writing about the work area to make it a safer place.

My weakness was taking more than enough time picking what pot to choose from the plans I have drawn, when I could have been doing more work.
7th January: Making sample pot
This lesson I have successfully made my sample pot using my plan as guidance.

It has only taking me one lesson to complete the pot as the clay would have dried out if I waited till net lesson, even though I had a set time to do the Clay pot I have finished the shape and the smoothing of the sides.
After we finished our pots they was placed into the Kiln to harden, the plan was very useful to use, as I knew exactly what to do and went straight for it.

My strength in this lesson was completing the pot in only 100 minutes in a good standard.

My weakness in the lesson was not paying attention to the base of my pot, but during the last 30 minutes I had time to fix my mistake of making it to thin.

12th January: Completing clay pot experiments
I have designed the out side of the pot to day using a black pen, tracing paper, and PVA glue, my idea was to design it about my identity which I have done using pictures and words to describe my character e.g. things I like.
I have done this by using images I have found or drawn myself and traced over it with the black pen; using the PVA glue I stuck the tracing paper on my sample pot.

I then took pictures of the pot when it was finished, as you will see on one of the pages in my artefact folder.

14th January: Investigating Michael Raedecker, Planning painting
I searched background information on Michael Raedecker and found out his solo exhibitions for his work.

I also searched information on his paintings and saved it as it could help later on in the investigation.

I started my plan for the painting that I have chosen, I have chosen apiece called ‘Prop’ which Michael made in 1998, this paint became very famous as it is a painting of a tree that is held up by string.

My strengths in this lesson was researching on the painting, I learnt what made him paint something like that etc.

My weakness in this lesson is to keep the most valuable information and sort it out as it look confusing at the moment.

21st January: Developing painting
I have started and finished my painting in this lesson.
I used different blends of colours, but mostly bland colours, which is on the original famous painting, which is where I got my idea.

I think I could have improved on painting the strings; I should have made them a bit thinner so they look delicate.

My strengths in the lesson were completing the painting from Michaels work.

My weakness was getting the right paint brush so I can paint the strings more thin so looks more like the painting that Michael done.

26th January: Investigating Wafa Hourani
Investigating Wafa Hourani was interesting as his art is very unique and different.

Although there wasn’t as much information on Wafa that I wanted I still managed to get some information that you will see in my artefacts folder.

My strength in this lesson was trying to get more information on Wafa even though he is quite unknown there is hardly any but I didn’t give up.

My weakness in this lesson was that I should have used different sites to get different information on Wafa; I just used Google so I have no that much information that I would like.
29th January: Developing building
My group and me decided to go for a colour theme as well as an object sort of theme to build a city of shops.

Today we started of by making the base for our building project, we got a big cardboard to be used as our base and we then marked where the road and shops are going to be placed.

We also started planning what colours we are going to use for the base and buildings; we decided bright luminous colours would look good.

My strength in this lesson was giving lots of advice and contributions towards the whole planning.

My weakness in this lesson was taking over the group a little bit as I had a lot to say.
4th February: Developing building
Following from last lesson our group started cutting and sticking cardboard together to make our buildings.

We managed to do most of the buildings but we decided to leave the rest for next lesson, as we wouldn’t have time to pack away.

Our group really worked well together this lesson as we were all helping each other on our separate jobs that we had to complete.

My strength in this lesson was working as a group today as we all helped each other to complete what was needed.

My weakness was helping everyone else that I didn’t have time to do my own work, but as I work fast I managed to catch up.
9th February: Developing Building
We finally finished sticking our cardboard buildings together and then placed them on the base that our group created.
We all painted our buildings in bright colours, which I think went really well as it stands out a lot.
Painting was quite hard surprisingly as you have to doubled cote it all to get a bold effect.

My strength in this lesson was same as last weeks, working as a team; I am surprised at my self because I prefer working on my own as I only really use my own ideas.

My weakness in this lesson was taking to long to realise that I needed more cotes on the buildings.

11th February: Developing building
Today was the last day of completing everything, so my group and me done a quick paint job the cardboard to make it stand out even more.

We then took pictures on the camera, which is in the artefact folder and blog.

This was the hardest project so far as it was very challenging, but it did improve my teamwork skills.

My strength was quick thinking as I fought it would be better if I added extra paint to my work and it was a good idea.

My weakness in this lesson was I should have spent more time painting as I was rushing it to get more time to do the rest of the activities.

25th February: Investigating Costumes
I enjoyed investigating costumes as I love cloths, but it was very interesting that Elizabeth Lecourt uses maps to create her dresses.

I searched different cloths that she had made and also background information, i found out that Lecourts stronger point is creating dresses.

My strength in this lesson is enjoying to search, as i think learning is easier if you enjoy it and take part, i did this and got the information that i needed.

My weakness in this lesson was i was searching other artists as well as Elizabeth, if i didn't i could have had more time to search what colours she prefers on her work.

16th March: Developing costumes
I decided to do a tight fit on the top half of the dress i am creating and finally spreads out when the dress goes towards the bottom half.

I started and finished my dress in this lesson and it turned out to look amazing, i added a purple colour to the dress to make it stand out more and to make it look more effective.

I could have improved by painting on a belt, but i did not have much time to do so.

My strength in this lesson was completing all my work and adding to my costume to make it look better.

My weakness in this lesson was spending to much time on the plan, i didn't do so i could have painted on the belt.

18th March: Developing Final Ideas
Today we recaped on all of the artefact work we have done, Clay pots, Buildings, Painting, Costume, we recaped all the things that was needed to create these artefacts.

I got all my information together and decided what final artefact i was choose, so i got all the evaluation sheets i have filled in and decided to work with Clay Pots.

My strength in this lesson is i choose an artefact by the evaluation sheets and not from what looks good or bad.

My weakness in this lesson is didnt do much work, which i could have caught up on a few worksheets.

25th March: Making final artefact
Today we choose are final artefact to do, i chose to do a big clay pot as i really enjoyed making and decorating the artefact.

I started planning about how to create the my big clay pot and what shape the pot will be, what size will the pot be, how much clay would i need etc.

My strength in this lesson was thinking about all the different planning to do including health and safety so everything will be safe and clear.

My weakness in this lesson was me finding it difficult to pick what shape i wanted my pot to be i couldn't decided, but in the end i had to as i was running out of time.

30th March: Making Final Artefact
Today i was making my big clay pot for my finally artefcat, i manged to complete it as i stayed at break time for 20 extra mins.

It was more difficult to what i expected because it was alot bigger than the first clay pot than i done earlier in artefact.

My strength in this was i adapted to the change of the size of the pot, i didn't give up even though it was difficult to make.

My weakness in lesson was getting the thickness right on the pot to put in the kiln, if its to thick or to thin it is no good.

1st April: Making final artefact
Today i was getting materials together for next lesson to decorate my big pot, at the moment the pot is still in the kiln so it will be ready by next lesson.

I was also searching on google to get more designs and picture that i can trace and put on my pot
My strength in this lesson was finding different colours and pictures to experiment on what looks good and what doesn't.

I didn't really have a weakness in this lesson as there wasn't anything i was that bad of as i was just searching, looking and experimenting.

22nd April:completing artefact
Today i have been decorating my big clay pot, it does take longer as the other clay pot that i done was alot smaller.

I worked well and was getting into just concentrating on my work.

My strength in this lesson was completing as much as i could with out getting distracted all lesson, i got straight into decorating my pot.

My weakness in this lesson was not finishing the but but it was really big so my target is to finish it next lesson.

27th April: Completing any work
I have finally finished decorating the big clay pot as it was my target to finish it last lesson.

it looks amazing as i added a bit of paint aswel as the tracing paper that has images on so it will stand out alot more.

My strength in this lesson was i reached my target to finish the whole pot.

My weakness was putting a bit to much paint on my big pot but it was okay in the end as i sorted it out.

29th April: Developing and refining work
Today i looked back on my work and evaluated the big clay pot, i also caught up on anything that i missed as i had time to.

I done some finishing touches on my big clay pot that only took 5 mins but did make a change to the image.

My strength in this lesson is i have finished all my artefacts work and caught up because i have extra time.

My weakness in this lesson was rushing a little bit to get everything done, but all my work is now finished.

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